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Description: Turbo Pascal 6.0编译器源码 -The source of Turbo Pascal 6.0 compiler
Platform: | Size: 289792 | Author: 站长 | Hits:


Description: turbo pascal pl/0语言分析程序-turbo pascal pl/0 speech analysis procedure
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsunzip_com

Description: UnZip is a small zipfile extract utility. It is written to be assmall portable as possible and is intended to be starting point for im-plementation of .ZIP files in non-IBM environments.Source code is provided in C and Turbo Pascal. If you port this programto a non-IBM system, I would appreciate a copy of the ported source andexe files.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 冰冰 | Hits:


Description: turbo pascal 6 的完整源代码,可以为编译器的爱好者提供-turbo six complete source code, the compiler can provide the fans
Platform: | Size: 289792 | Author: 郝春风 | Hits:


Description: TURBO PASCLR 7.0 的开发工具-TURBO PASCLR 7.0 Development Tools
Platform: | Size: 769024 | Author: qiusurong | Hits:

[Software Engineeringbianyiyuanlisheji

Description: 1. PL/0 语言介绍 ●PL/0 程序设计语言是一个较简单的语言,它以赋值语句为基础,构造概念有顺序、条件和重复(循环)三种。PL/0 有子程序概念,包括过程定义(可以嵌套)与调用且有局部变量说明。PL/0语言编译程序采用以语法分析为核心、一遍扫描的编译方法。词法分析和代码生成作为独立的子程序供语法分析程序调用。语法分析的同时,提供了出错报告和出错恢复的功能。在源程序没有错误编译通过的情况下,调用类PCODE解释程序解释执行生成的类PCODE代码。 ●保留字(关键字):所谓保留字是指在Pascal语言中具有特定的含义。标准Pascal语言中的保留字一共有35个,Turbo Pascal语言一共有51个。下面是Pascal语言的保留字:AND,ARRAY,BEGIN,CASE,CONST,DIV,DO,DOWNTO,ELSE,END,FILE,FOR,FUNTION,GOTO,IF,IN,LABEL,MOD,NIL,NOT,OF,OR,PACKED,PROCEDURE,PROGRAM,RECORD,REPEAT,SET,THEN,TO,TYPE,UNTIL,VAR,WHILE,WITH,EXPORTS,SHR,STRING,ASM,OBJECT,UNIT,CONSTRUCTOR,IMPLEMENTATION,DESTRUCTOR,USES,INHERITED,INLINE,INTERFACE,LIBRARY,XOR,SHL -err
Platform: | Size: 513024 | Author: 与非门 | Hits:


Description: 第1章 TURBO PASCAL高级编程技术 1.1 单元及其使用 1.2 与汇编语言混合编程 1.3 与C语言混合编程 1.4 过程类型及其使用 1.5 中断例程的编写方法 1.6 动态数组及其使用 1.7 扩充内存(EMS)及其使用 1.8 扩展内存(XMS)及其使用 1.9 程序的标准数据作代码处理的方法 第2章 实用工具单元 2.1 屏幕输入与输出单元ACRT 2.2 字符串处理单元ASTR 2.3 磁盘操作单元DISK 2.4 热键单元POPUP 2.5 数据库交互单元DBASE 2.6 扩充内存单元EMS 2.7 扩展内存单元XMS 2.8 数学函数单元MATH 2.9 矩阵运算单元MATRIX 2.10 概率分布函数单元PROB 2.11 复数运算单元COMPLEX 第3章 实用程序 3.1 软锁驱动器程序 3.2 锁硬盘逻辑盘程序 3.3 稿纸打印程序 3.4 源程序列表程序 3.5 查找并替换程序 3.6 备份硬盘主引导扇区程序 3.7 四通-PC文本文件转换程序 3.8 SPT文件与BMP文件的双向转换程序 3.9 数据库卡片打印程序 3.10 BATCH文件转换为COM文件程序 3.11 机密文件的有效销毁程序 3.12 释放内存程序 附录1 源程序文件索引表 附录2 各种显示卡及其显示模态表 -Chapter 1 TURBO PASCAL senior programming technology and its use 1.1 1.2 modules and compile language Programming were mixed with 1.3 C language types and process 1.4 1.5 interrupt routine use of a method of preparation dynamic array .6 1.7 and its use expanded memory (EMS) 1.8 and its use of Extended Memory (CPU) and 1.9 The procedures for the use of the standard code for data processing method Chapter 2 2.1 Utilities modules screen input and output alone ACRT 2.2 billion string processing unit ASTR 2.3 disk operating unit DISK 2.4 hotkeys modules P OPUP 2.5 interactive database modules expand nutritional 2.6 2.7 EMS memory modules expand the memory modules Intel mathematical function modules 2.8 2.9 MATH matrix element MATRIX 2.10 probability distribution letter PROB 2.11 modular unit co
Platform: | Size: 111616 | Author: zhangyoufu | Hits:


Description: 第一章 递归算法 第二章 集合和记录 第三章 Turbo Pascal文件 第四章 指针变量及线性链表 第五章 单元及面向对象的程序设计简介 第六章 树、图 第七章 分治算法 第八章 回溯算法 第九章 分支定界 第十章 动态规划 第十一章 搜索算法初步 第十二章 全国奥赛题选解-Recursive algorithm chapter chapter Chapter III of the collection and recording of chapter IV of document Turbo Pascal pointer variables and a linear list of chapter V units and object-oriented programming Introduction Chapter VI tree, Figure Chapter VII of the sub-rule algorithm Chapter VIII Chapter IX backtracking algorithm for branch-and-bound dynamic programming Chapter X Chapter XI Chapter XII search algorithm initially elected National Olympic title solution
Platform: | Size: 10273792 | Author: endure | Hits:


Description: Turbo Pascal图形编程大全 (PDF)-Turbo Pascal graphics programming Guinness (PDF)
Platform: | Size: 13219840 | Author: 王家 | Hits:

[Driver Developusb4dos

Description: USB Support for Turbo Pascal
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: rap | Hits:

[Industry researchGameInPascal

Description: This program aims to build a program of a ball game written in Turbo pascal.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: jamal | Hits:


Description: Turbo Pascal BOOK. Very good for beginners!
Platform: | Size: 256000 | Author: rc2molina | Hits:


Description: Tablice Informatyczne - Turbo Pascal.pdf-Tablice Informatyczne- Turbo Pascal.pdf
Platform: | Size: 5397504 | Author: xxx | Hits:


Description: Interpreter of Turbo Pascal
Platform: | Size: 37888 | Author: sfleandro | Hits:


Description: travelling sale program with turbo pascal in windows 7
Platform: | Size: 89088 | Author: tonmaister07 | Hits:


Description: Mathlib - This is the ultimate mathematic library for Turbo Pascal or Borland Pascal
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: RyanB | Hits:


Description: Mathematical Turbo Pascal unit source (all versions from Turbo Pascal 4 up,
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: RyanB | Hits:


Description: Contains Turbo Pascal procedures which compute a variety of statistical distribution functions. The distributions include the Beta, Log Gamma, Incomplete Gamma, F, t, Chi-square, and Normal distributions.
Platform: | Size: 50176 | Author: RyanB | Hits:


Description: MATH -- a unit of elementary mathematical routines for Turbo Pascal versions 4 up
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: RyanB | Hits:


Description: XMM is a Turbo Pascal eXtended Memory Manager implementation that supports Microsofts XMS specification level 3.0.
Platform: | Size: 129024 | Author: RyanB | Hits:
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